disable autorun windows 7

disable autorun windows 7

Depending on the version of Windows that you are using, there are different updates that you must have installed to correctly disable the Autorun functionality: To disable the Autorun functionality in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, you must have

相關軟體 Autoruns 下載

Autoruns是由軟體巨擘microsoft發行的一套免費系統工具,能夠協助使用者設定開機啟動項目,避免執行過多不必要的程式。 提供檢視隨著電腦啟動而啟動的程式,讓使用者取消或啟用,同時了解是否有惡意程式或病毒隨著開機啟動。 ...

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  • I have Windows 7 home edition. I want to disable COMPLETLY the autorun feature. I would li...
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  • Depending on the version of Windows that you are using, there are different updates that y...
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